Myrniong Mudslide

Today we are at the dairy farm – delivering our story and mixing this week's cocktail: the Myrniong Mudslide! As early as 1917, a local Councillor made a report to the Shire Engineer about the poor condition of "muddy" lane, with him referencing the state of the road rather than the street name. Going by the frequent tendering for up to 500 cubic yards of gravel at a time, everyone in the shire was familiar with this exact location. Sometimes it was referred to as "the muddy lane", maybe a faux pas, or possibly a term of endearment passed down by the previous generation! Pouring over old maps, I could not locate any with the name "Muddy Lane". inscribed on them. Matters would have been made worse in 1920 when a section of Ballarat Road was closed to all traffic due to regrading works. The detour was via Mount Blackwood Road and "muddy lane" (again the newspaper notice used quotation marks around the words "muddy lane")! Eventually...