Truffle Martini

Truffle Martini
5 August 2023
Earlier this week, we hosted our local Bacchus Marsh & Historical Society at The Plough to share this fabulous building and her history of years gone by.

We were all blessed to hear Pat Shanahan share his personal recollections, as well as everyone who willingly contributed their memories of early days at Myrniong.

Conversations on the day included the origins of the name "Myrniong". One popuar suggestion was that the area was named after the local and prolific edible root, whose Aboriginal name was "Myrnong". During 1840s-1860s this region was referred to as "Blow's Flat" after William Wootten Blow, an early land selector of Myrniong. Consensus appeased that this may be simply "locality" rather than "legislative naming convention". Not surprising, as this is how they referenced the hotels, e.g. Tyson's Hotel (The Plough), Jenkin's Hotel (Pentland Hills), Drury's Hotel (Mt Blackwood) etc.

As per his predecessors of a hundred years passed, Mark put on a "luncheon" that the region would have been proud of...

Moving to this afternoon's Cocktail of the Week:

We celebrate the "diamond of the kitchen": that strong-smelling underground fungus known as the truffle.

The truffles we use at The Plough are harvested weekly from a farm 20 minutes' drive away. Yes – we are very fortunate to have access to this much sought-after delicacy. Our Chefs use freshly shaved truffle as well as creating truffle butter, truffle honey, truffle vodka, and truffle oil.

This week we offer our Truffle Martini.

Truffle Martini
30 mL Truffle Vodka
30 mL Baileys Irish Cream
30 mL Cream

Fill cocktail shaker with ice,
Truffle Vodka, Baileys & cream
Shake for 20-30 seconds
Strain into martini glass
GARNISH truffle & white chocolate


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