Green & Gold Malaria

What a week we have had! The build-up and pride we all shared for our Matildas Soccer Team. 

They stood tall on the international stage and captured the hearts of the entire nation. 

The emotions we all felt can be difficult to explain, until I recalled a book I bought 25 years ago, and would like to share with you. This could be the prescription for us to understand why we all experienced the emotions of the past few weeks.

I offer to you an abridged version of Rupert McCall's "Green & Gold Malaria"


Green and Gold Malaria by Rupert McCall

The day would soon arrive when I could not ignore the rash.
I was obviously ill and so I called on Doctor Nash.

This standard consultation would adjudicate my fate.
I walked into his surgery and gave it to him straight:

`Doc, I wonder if you might explain this allergy of mine,
I get these pins and needles running up and down my spine.

From there, across my body, I will suddenly extend -
My neck will feel a shiver and the hairs will stand on end.

And then there is the symptom that only a man can fear -
A choking in the throat, and the crying of a tear.'

Well, the Doctor scratched his melon with a rather worried look.
His furrowed brow suggested that the news to come was crook.

`What is it Doc?' I motioned. `Have I got a rare disease?
I'm man enough to cop it sweet, so give it to me, please.'

`I'm not too sure,' he answered, in a puzzled kind of way.
`You've got some kind of fever, but it's hard for me to say.

When is it that you feel this most peculiar condition?'
I thought for just a moment, then I gave him my position:

`I get it when I'm standing in an Anzac Day parade,
And I get it when the anthem of our native land is played,

I get it when Banjo takes me down the Snowy River,
And last week, the Matildas sent me all a-shiver.

It hit me hard when Sydney was awarded the Games,
And I get it when I see our farmers fighting for their names.
So tell me, Doc,' I questioned. `Am I really gonna die?'

He broke into a smile before he looked me in the eye.

As he fumbled with his stethoscope and pushed it out of reach,
He wiped away a tear and then he gave me this stirring speech:

`From the beaches here in Queensland to the sweeping shores of Broome,
On the Harbour banks of Sydney where the Waratahs in bloom.

From Uluru at sunset to the Mighty Tasman Sea,
In the Adelaide cathedrals, at the roaring MCG.

From the Great Australian Bight up to the Gulf of Carpentaria,
The medical profession calls it "green and gold malaria".

But forget about the textbooks, son, the truth I shouldn't hide.
The rash that you've contracted here is "good old Aussie pride".

I'm afraid that you were born with it and one thing is for sure -
You'll die with it, young man, because there isn't any cure.'


Green & Gold Malaria
60 mL Orange Juice
15 mL Vodka
60mL Cuveé
15mL Midori

Pour Orange Juice, Vodka & Cuvée into Champagne Flute
Add 4 ice cubes
Pour in Midori so it settles at the bottom
GARNISH: Kiwi & orange wedge, straw


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