Missfire Martinez

Welcome to this week's instalment of Cocktail O'Clock, where we raise a glass to the past and toast to tales worth sharing. Today we cast our minds back to the early days of Myrniong, when the area was referred to as Blow’s Flat – named after an early settler of the area. Major bushfires in February 1851 destroyed the Pentland Hills station of Mr Williamson and Captain Blow including their house, furniture, library of books and notes, and everyone’s clothing bar those they were wearing. Sadly, 2 flocks of sheep also perished. The loss exceeded £850, however with Captain Blow’s love of literature, his loss of books would have been the greatest toll. Heading into town to purchase clothing and supplies for himself and his station men, Captain Blow was met by Mr Powlett from the Police Station whose tent, fences and crops also received the same treatment of the fire. Fortunately for Mr Powlett, his house was saved. This week's cocktail is reputed to have been invented someti...