Gingerbread Cocktail

Welcome to this week's Cocktail O'Clock, where we enjoy a sip of history with a tale to share.

Today we look at a curious, if not pedantic, case held in the Bacchus Magistrate's Court in late 1946 when the licensee of The Plough Hotel in Myrniong, Kathleen Jones, was charged with supplying liquor on a Sunday and having persons on the premises, those persons being Jack Barry and William Densley.

The court heard that Kathleen's husband, Cyril Jones (barman from Bacchus Marsh's Border Inn Hotel) gave evidence that he served Jack ginger ale with bitters, and William a shandy.

The Licensing Police who attended the incident considered that the drinks' foam and aroma indicated that the contents were beer, which led to the charges.

Apparently, after being discovered on the premises, the lads quaffed their bevvy. The Magistrate considered this act to be that of a guilty person, deferring his final decision for four weeks due to its unusual features!

Kathleen was eventually fined 2 pounds, with 8 shillings costs, for serving alcohol on a Sunday. The charge against her of having persons on a licenced premise was dropped, however, Jack & William were each fined 10 shillings for being found on licenced premises on a Sunday. Ironically, both Kathleen & Jack were defenced by Mr. Ray Brew!

And so for this week's cocktail, we will be using the rascally Ginger - our Christmas-inspired Gingerbread Cocktail.

(source: Diffords guide, 2004)

45mL Bourbon (Jim Beam)

22.5mL Butterscotch Liqueur

22.5mL Stone Ginger Wine

60ml Apple Juice

Shake all ingredients 

Strain into chilled Coupe Glass

GARNISH:  candied ginger or candy cane


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