Espresso Martini

Welcome to this week's Cocktail O'Clock, where we enjoy a sip of history with a tale to share.

Today we head back to November 1882 when, after a week or so of grand display in Mrs Simmon's Post Office store window, the Tea & Coffee Service gift, alongside a massive gold locket and chain, was presented to Mr and Mrs Lauder who were leaving The Plough Hotel after a four-year tenure, however they had spent many years before that in the region.

The Lauders had purchased a Hotel in Romsey, and to recognise their contribution to Myrniong, a farewell presentation was led by Captain Grant and echoed by many others present, whose speeches acknowledged the services the couple had contributed, and that their leaving was "our loss and Romsey's gain".

Happiness and prosperity were bestowed on the Lauders as they embarked on their upcoming clearing sale amidst fond farewells.

And so today, we celebrate National Barista Day and recognise those who satisfy our cravings with their magic, using just a handful of beans and a whole lot of love.

Our Cocktail of the Week is the classic coffee beverage: the Espresso Martini.

Espresso Martini 

30 mL Kahlua

15 mL Vodka

15 mL sugar syrup

Double shot expresso coffee 

Make coffee into chilled glass with 1 x ice cube

In shaker, add ingredients then shake for 30 secs.

Strain into chilled coupe glass 

Garnish: 3 coffee beans

Await separation before serving


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